My blog about Bold


  1. I have already moved to VS + ECO long time ago... Bold for Windows native is nice, but Delphi's way of web development is so early 90's style... Without a modern web framework, Delphi is no longer attractive at all...

  2. Ah the age old success story of buying up a company and mothballing it. Clearly the best way to spend that cash...

  3. As we (my employer Attracs) have the source of Bold we can modify it any way we want. For our needs Bold is a perfent fit as we have a lot of business logic that need to be calculated some of it persisted to DB. I think never versions of Delphi have some REST API but we don't use it. Web is just a frontend.

  4. "The purpose of this blog is to spread knowledge about Bold among Delphi developers."

    I glanced over the blog but couldn't figure out what BOLD actually is good for. Just plenty of acronyms.

  5. @[Erik virtel] good point. I added this link to the blog now.

    I admit the history behind Bold is a mess. But it is actually a framework that have survived over 10 years without any official support and website. Reason is that it is a real timesaver for big complex projects with a lot of logic between GUI and database. This need to be modelled and Bold create a tight binding between the model and the code. Developers can concentrate on the problem instead of technical details.  Bold use simple SQL, so low demands on the database. It is just used as a container for data. Developer only need to write pure object oriented code to load and save. Other features is OCL to be used to load and filter data without any Delphi code. Derived members that is used to calculate values or links from other members. Yes this can be done in the database too but this is simpler by using Delphi code or OCL. Another nice feature is that the GUI always show the latest data even in multiuser environment, without any extra code.     

    There are lot of rumours so here are some facts about Bold:

    - It was created by a Swedish company Boldsoft.
    - Borland bought Boldsoft 2002.
    - Bold was bundled with D7 Architect. It was the only official release.
    - An inofficial release was also compiled for D2005 and D2006/D2007.
    - Luckily some companies bought sourcecode so a restricted development can continue.

    So here we are with an excellent framework to make model driven development real for Delphi. But no company behind. And it is closed source, as Borland bought it then Embarcadero have the IP. I work for open up the source so more developers can take advantage of Bold. Might not be easy but not impossible either !

    If someone is interested to know more, just ask :)


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