Does anyone know the exact dcc parameters for rebuilding an RTL unit (System.Rtti.pas in my case) so that it is compatible with the ones shipped? (both release and debug would be nice) And yes I only changed the implementation part.

Does anyone know the exact dcc parameters for rebuilding an RTL unit (System.Rtti.pas in my case) so that it is compatible with the ones shipped? (both release and debug would be nice) And yes I only changed the implementation part.

I found this on SO ( but the options did not work as I get the F2051 error (unit X was compiled with a different version of Y).


  1. Which unit(s) generated the error messages?

  2. Classes.pas - when I copy that also its TypInfo.pas

  3. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers About what? Unless I get an answer here I won't spend any of my limited time to find out.
    Maybe Allen Bauer can provide some info. :)

  4. Maybe the Indy guys have done RTL compilations. Remy Lebeau might know.

  5. There may be some problem with the versions of the source files that shipped in XE6 not matching the actual shipped DCUs.

  6. I don't think it's possible anymore.


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