function TVector3D.Distance(const AVector3D: TVector3D): Single;

function TVector3D.Distance(const AVector3D: TVector3D): Single;
  Result := Sqr(AVector3D.X - Self.X) + Sqr(AVector3D.Y - Self.Y) + Sqr(AVector3D.Z - Self.Z);

Just... what?

(For those who don't know, this is what it's supposed to be:
and this is what it is: or this
It's a common optimisation to avoid the sqrt() when you're just comparing distances - is something closer than something else,  without the numerical distance value itself mattering, ie only for comparisons. But a public function on a vector called Distance() should return the distance.)

XE4, btw.


  1. Heh yeah that's quite retarded. FWIW it's fixed in XE5, where it's now reads Result := (AVector - Self).Length;

    It'd be nice for it to have both DistanceSqr and LengthSqr though, as there are many cases where you need to square the length or just need to compare relative distances.


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