Has anyone noticed Error Insight seems to be less buggy in XE6? I still get erroneous red underlines sometimes, but in fewer places.

Has anyone noticed Error Insight seems to be less buggy in XE6?  I still get erroneous red underlines sometimes, but in fewer places.

For me, the red underlines that remain usually seem to be complaining a variable doesn't have something that belongs to TObject, eg Free or ClassName, but that's it - the rest seems to work.  It's actually been mildly useful once or twice!


  1. Error Insight fails at the following things in the Spring.Base package source:
    - several wrong "identified redeclared" warnings on static parameterized methods
    - "... does not contain a member named ..." when accessing a protected field on a generic type (Find Declaration also does not work on that member)
    - "... does not contain a member named ..." when accessing the Invoke property of an IEvent

    and many more - you can check yourself ;)

  2. Stefan Glienke Still not perfect then :)  (Perhaps that smiley should be a frown, really.)

    Is that any different (any fewer?) to the errors it showed in older versions of Delphi?

  3. Since I turn off Error Insight as one of the first actions after I install Delphi since its introduction I can't tell :(
    I found pressing Ctrl/Shift+F9 to be quicker to find any errors than looking through a bunch of false positives that EI gives me.


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