Hi all

Hi all
what unit do I need to add to be able to use

I am trying to use an old component that uses that
(originally was in the units 

thanks for any tips/help!


  1. a clue: To use the DesignEditors and DesignIntf units with Delphi, you need to add the following compiler option on the Compiling page in Project Options:

  2. found the solution :)
    You need to add the "DesignIDE" package to the "Requires" list of your design-time 
    package (which must be a separate package from your component's run-time 
    package in order to use property/component editors).

    Remy Lebeau (TeamB)

  3. Brian Hamilton Exactly. Btw before you run into this problem: It needs to be a designtime only package because you are not allowed to ship DesignIDE.


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