Hi everyone! IDE plugins are a bit of a "black art" still, and then even more so when you get past the published plugin API into things that require hacking the IDE. I wrote this blog post yesterday - it's the first in a series on painting inside the code editor, something about which there is no material whatsoever anywhere on the internet. If you're interested in wizards/experts/plugins or even in a small insight into how the IDE works internally, you might find it interesting.

Hi everyone! IDE plugins are a bit of a "black art" still, and then even more so when you get past the published plugin API into things that require hacking the IDE. I wrote this blog post yesterday - it's the first in a series on painting inside the code editor, something about which there is no material whatsoever anywhere on the internet. If you're interested in wizards/experts/plugins or even in a small insight into how the IDE works internally, you might find it interesting.


  1. Of course - I should have known that. Thanks :)

  2. David Millington Like everyone else, totally enjoyed the article and can't wait for the next ones! Are you still looking for beta testers? If so, I am interested.

  3. Nicholas Ring Thanks!  And yes, I am.  I'll contact you and others who have expressed interest sometime soon - I'd guess within a week.  It's in alpha state at the moment and there are a few bugs to iron out before it's beta-ready.


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