Looking into converting a bunch of legacy apps from #BDE to #FireDAC and trying to use the "reFind" utility released since XE5 to help do this.

Looking into converting a bunch of legacy apps from #BDE to #FireDAC and trying to use the "reFind" utility released since XE5 to help do this.

Not having much joy though, as I've run into a stack overflow for the 2nd time in 2 days.

The first one I ran into with version 2.5 (shipped in #XE5 Update 2 hotfix 4), turned out to be already fixed in the newer version 2.7.1 (shipped with #XE6 ).  However I've now run into the same problem (or, at least, the same message) again on a different file.  

I've filed a QC about it, in case anyone's interested in looking or voting for it: http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=124781

On my To Do list is also to have a further look at the #Mida converter to see if this is worth getting -- Does anyone have any experiences to share re the non-trial version of Mida and BDE conversion?   (The bundled/trial version doesn't support BDE to FireDAC conversion last time I checked, so I couldn't form any opinion on whether it would be worth getting/considering.)


  1. We have a lot of old BDE code and it would be lovely to get rid of it, however I'm very sceptical to an automated tool doing the job, especially on code which relies on certain BDE peculiarities. Looking forward to reading some experiences.


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