Hi Friends

Hi Friends,
I created DLL using com server of delphi. I created one record type in .tlb file which listed as below in _tlb.pas file.
  ClientMatterBal = packed record

i used this type as a return type in one the metyhod which i created in .tlb file and its listed in _tlb.pas file as

function GetClientDetails(const strClient: WideString): ClientMatterBal; stdcall;

but if i compiled project then it gives error  like
"E2211 Declaration of 'GetClientDetails' differs from declaration in interface 'IIntegrationDLLClass'"

all other methods work fine and if i changed same method return type with integer or boolean then it also works fine, however its not working with return type of record.

if any one faced same issue then please let me know that how to create method with return type of record using com server wizard of delphi.
