Thinfinity™ Virtual UI beta 2 released!

Thinfinity™ Virtual UI beta 2 released!

A new build of Thinfinity™ Virtual UI has been released with several improvements and bug fixes:

* Compatibility with Delphi 2 to XE6
* Added support for Visual Basic 6
* Enhanced ActiveX/OLE automation interfaces
* Fixed .NET assembly not loading interop
* Added strong name to .NET assembly
* Mouse wheel fixed
* Fixed some other mouse-related issues
* Added MDI compatibility
* Fixed some problems with cursor
and a few other ones..

For increased compatibility, we renamed units Thinfinity.VirtualUI.pas and Thinfinity.VirtualUI.AutoRun.pas to VirtualUI_SDK.pas and VirtualUI_AutoRun.pas.

Please uninstall the previous build before installing the new one. We appreciate your feedback and bug report! Please send us an e-mail to

Setup files for Windows 8/2012 64-bit:

Setup files for Windows 8/2012 32-bit:

Product Page:

White paper:
Online manual:


  1. We've been testing Thinfinity since the first beta was released. It came at the right time as we were considering a re-write of our current web interface (at great expense). Thinfinity lets us host our existing Delphi applications on the web with virtually no changes at all. Even better, we get all the functionality of the Windows application whereas our current web interface is just a subset.

    If you have an application that you want to web enable, I strongly suggest that you try it out.

  2. I'm looking forward do trying it soon. I did get it downloaded.  :)

  3. Tryed it for the first time. From a quick view it works fine even with lots of Devexpress components in the project.
    Would it possible to make something like uploading files to the server trough the Browser (Drag a couple of files from the explorer and drop it to a form of the app in the browser, hit a button to upload)?
    Downloading files to the desktop of the client where the browser is running?


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