We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.5 with 9 new components!

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.5 with 9 new components! 

- New: TTMSFMXListEditor: Edit control to edit a list of values in a flexible way similar to the Microsoft Outlook or iOS email address input
- New: TTMSFMXWebBrowser: Wrapper around the native webbrowser component on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android
- New: TTMSFMXTrackBar: Trackbar with highly configurable progress, thumb and background appearance
- New: TTMSFMXSignatureCapture: Component to capture signatures
- New: TTMSFMXColorSelector: Highly styleable and customizable color selector
- New: TTMSFMXBitmapSelector: Highly styleable and customizable bitmap selector
- New: TTMSFMXColorPicker: Highly styleable and customizable color picker
- New: TTMSFMXBitmapPicker: Highly styleable and customizable bitmap picker
- New: TTMSFMXButton: Inherits from TButton and adds an image (TTMSFMXBitmap) and a HTML enabled text

A trial version can be downloaded at: http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsfmxpack.asp
TMS Pack for FireMonkey is also part of TMS Component Studio for FireMonkey: http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsfmxstudio.asp
