what is the simplest way to create a json array from dataset?


  1. XE5 has usable JSON components, even if they are a tad slow and you have to do content sanitation yourself (escaping, etc).

  2. if xxx.findfirst then begin
    json_string := '['; // array start
      json_string := json_string + '{';
      for index := 0 to xxx.fields.count -1 do begin
        json_string := json_string + '"' + xxx.fields[index].fieldName + '":"' + xxx.fields[index].asstring + '",';
        // make sure that you take care of the comma above
      json_string := json_string + '},';
      // again, comma!
    until NOT xxx.FindNext;
    json_string := json_string + ']'; array end

    the above is a rough idea, you have to take care of each field type accordingly, i.e.
    integer and boolean:
    "some_int_field": 2014 <- note that we're not double quoting the "2014" value
    double quote, make sure to escape string properly

    have fun!

  3. XE6 - been manually doing it using XSuperObject, just wondered if there was a reverse of TRestResponseDatasetAdapter

  4. Yes there is, Andrea Magni published it

  5. Hi here is my blog post (in Italian, please use Google translate) : http://blog.delphiedintorni.it/2014/07/tdatasetrestrequestadapter-serializzare.html?m=1 Source code is available on my github account (there is a link in the blog post)... Thanks Andrea Raimondi

  6. In in case you havent heard of SMS, it's an object pascal compiler/IDE that compiles to JavaScript :)

  7. Thanks Lennart Aasenden. I have SMS on the list.

  8. It is not just a matter of serializing a dataset to JSON, I tried to build a reversed version of what is done by TRestResponseDatasetAdapter (nested objects support included)... This means you can send back data to the server in the same JSON structure it gave data to the client.


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