

Is there a OSX developper community ? 
For a beginner on OSX, it's very difficult to find informations for sandboxing Delphi application, in order to distribute with the Mac Apple Store...
Sandboxing sucks a lot, too much restrictions, standard tools/procedures don't work, have to finalize manually, etc.

Also, I have to use XPC Services but I don't find any information to do it with Delphi... :-( 
Is Delphi Cocoa implementation complete ?

Any idea ?


  1. Thank's a lot, I will see this video. FireMonkey doesn't a problem in my case.
    My problem is to deploy an existing application on store. This one doesn't designed to do that and some "historical" technical choices are a problem now (example : using TNSTask in order to run binary helpers and wait job end...)

  2. Argh, this video explains how to with XE3. Since, there's several differences due to `codesign `  command (on OSX 10.9 + XCode 5.1) : RADPAServer doesn't work like this because --deep parameter is missing. So, it's not an automatic task like these video.

  3. Hey Simon ! I forgot that one ! I also overwrite Firemonkey Menu component (thank's to a great blog article) in order to Add 'Preferences' Item... It's boring but it's work except a 'little' detail : keyboard shortcut may close your application, depending to the visible form....
    For a mac application, the menu is global. But for FMX App, menu is owned by a form...


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