i have some serious problems using RoboCopy. I'd like to throttel bandwith. Microsoft provides the parameter IPG which sets a delay (in ms) between two send packages. The size of a single package is 64Kbyte as far as i know. But setting IPG to 1000 (1Package/second) does not limit the bandwith of RoboCopy to 64KByte/Sec. Bandwith is still too high(estimated time for my file 32Seconds, but required only 3 seconds. 2.15MByte filesize).

i have some serious problems using RoboCopy. I'd like to throttel bandwith. Microsoft provides the parameter IPG which sets a delay (in ms) between two send packages. The size of a single package is 64Kbyte as far as i know. But setting IPG to 1000 (1Package/second) does not limit the bandwith of RoboCopy to 64KByte/Sec. Bandwith is still too high(estimated time for my file 32Seconds, but required only 3 seconds. 2.15MByte filesize).

After googling around i found that ipg depends on the given speed of the connection/interface robocopy is using(copying between 2 hdds?!)

Sofar this parameter seems useless to me for limiting the bandwith as i cant predict the ipg(without knowing the exact performance of the connection)

Somebody an idea?


  1. as i said above "(without knowing the exact performance of the connection)"
    But it seems i am doomed to do a testcopy or whatever?


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