I was playing around with Refactoring from with the IDE. I right clicked chose Refactoring > Find Unit... and received this pop up message:

I was playing around with Refactoring from with the IDE. I right clicked chose Refactoring > Find Unit... and received this pop up message:


  1. I just tried it again and it works fine. Interesting.

  2. Don't try to use refactoring again until you have restarted the IDE, it is in a confused (read screwed up) state. :-(

  3. Nicholas Ring indeed: whenever the IDE or compiler throws an access violation it means the internal state is corrupted somehow. Clear indication to restart it. 
    Michael Riley the refactoring engine of the IDE gets in an unstable state very easily. Mostly not reproducible though. It is one of the reasons I've moved most of my refactorings to ModelMaker Code Explorer: http://www.modelmakertools.com/code-explorer

  4. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers MMX rules! It's solid and very capable.

  5. Simon Stuart that one of the reasons I'm doing big parts of my work on an ESXi rig that has ECC RAM.

  6. Simon Stuart second hand HP XW6600 with 32gb of ECC RAM have really come down in price.

  7. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers My HP Pavilion dv8t has pretty much soured me on HP as a supplier of PCs.

  8. Simon Stuart Well, I am sure that pre-Carly products would be fine. But my Pavilion has some flaky features. The WiFi cuts in and out, but I think that's because the little touch-panel above the keyboard is flaky, and keeps turning it off. It can also pop-up little dialogs for bass and treble, which are modal, and a PITA.

    Google turns up all sorts of complaints about the issues, which of course were never addressed. The most workable "solution" appears to be disconnecting the touch controls.

  9. Simon Stuart LOL. Well, until recently I had not had need of the laptop for a while. But now that I have dusted it off again, I shall probably open the thing and disconnect that panel. It's also not really a laptop, unless you like burns on your thighs.

  10. Simon Stuart LOL! My todo (and the honey-do) lists are too long. But I am sure that if I opened the thing up, I would find endless opportunities for improvement.

  11. I get those errors all the time using "Find Unit". On different machines. The IDE refactoring doesn't like my project at all. On smaller projects it works, but anything bigger makes it crash.


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