Type Library import generator tool has a interesting BUG!

Type Library import generator tool has a interesting BUG!
If you import component-> Import a type library, you can get a unit named like XXX_TLB.pas, for example, Office_TLB. Everything worked and fine, until I close all project and re-open it.  I found interesting thing happened :  If i double click TLB.pas file in Project manager dialog, it launch EXTERNAL editor which I assigned .pas extension.  Firstly, I thought something wrong with my project file? or perhaps the registry broken? I tried every possibilities without success.  Finally, I just tried to copy ALL content of that unit, and pasted to notepad, strange thing happened: just top part of content were pasted! ...So I tried to use Sublime editor to open that file, a "NUL" symbol vivid showed to my eyes!  Wow~ this is an invisible BUG. Even XE6 update1 still has this problem: " ultra NUL byte followed by XXXX.chm". The bug is existed for Every import library unit!  Just take a look for picture you will see very interesting phenomenon. 

After deleted that NUL byte, everything got fine!  XD


  1. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers  create new vcl delphi project. 

    menu->Component->import component,  import type library,  choose ado or office or any kind of COM object,  next.....

    add XXX_TLB.pas to your project. save all then close all project files. 

    reopen project. now you can test what I mentioned above, like double click on unit, or find syntax error.... or try to select ALL content of XXX_TLB.pas, and paste to windows notepad...

  2. It seems to happen only when there is a helpfile. Perhaps only with that one helpfile.

  3. Qing-Shan Xiao can you test the files without help files?

  4. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers 
    OOPS, Sorry sir, I don't have any idea which COM with or without that. Just I tried Office, ADO, they have mentioned about help file (although there actually NO that file in that dictionary... for example vbaof11.chm doesn't in my system) .
    I will try more if I have time.  :P

  5. Thanks. please let the Delphi community know your findings.

  6. I just dig deeper for problem.  YES. Just ONLY when that type library has helpfile dscription in it will cause the problem.
    I use visual studio OLEViewer :
    for example :
      helpstring("Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library"),
      custom(0F21F359-AB84-41E8-9A78-36D110E6D2F9, "Microsoft.Office.Core.dll")
    above type lib will cause trouble.
    below won't:
      helpstring("AccessibilityCplAdmin 1.0 Type Library")
    Thanks for remind me:
    Uwe Raabe and Jeroen Wiert Pluimers


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