Wow, I just discovered that Delphi comes with Beyond Compare.


  1. Has been for quite a while. I think it started with Delphi 2010.

  2. Wow! Gunny, I am surprised if you have been laboring without that fine tool. It's definitely worth getting a license, though.

  3. The BC bundled with RAD Studio is a cut down version.  BC is not that expensive, so I bought/use the full-up version instead of the bundled one.  The BC developers do regular updates, so it is worth it IMHO.  I use BC for Delphi, PHP, HTML, Etc. development a lot.

  4. Bill Meyer It seems like everywhere I look lately I see something new. I've been doing so much, with so little for so long I can do just about anything with nothing.

  5. Daniela Osterhagen I wrote a  plugin for Delphi 2006  that integrated BeyondCompare into the IDE  (which should still be on codecentral, but I can't find it any more). The guy behind BeyondBompare (I forgot his name, shame on me) used it for the "Beyond Compare differ for Delphi 2006" (cc 25601) and I got a free bc license out of it. The BC plugin has been with Delphi ever since, I think on the companion cd. Since XE it is directly integrated into the edit menu. Jeremy North (jed) also wrote an Beyond Compare IDE expert for Delphi 2006 and 2007 (

  6. Thomas Mueller Is there anything Delphi related, in which you weren't involved somehow? This surreal.

  7. Daniela Osterhagen You are living in a virtual universe where everything is somehow tied to me. Just don't wake up. ;-)
    In truth, there was a time were I was really active in all things Delphi, but that was mostly in the last century. Nowadays I just tend to trott out the odd stuff I did years ago and bask in the feeling of importance that nobody but myself actually feels.


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