method Something; overload; virtual; abstract; and Deprecated

method Something; overload; virtual; abstract; and Deprecated

overload; virtual; abstract; deprecated;
deprecated; overload; virtual; abstract;
overload; deprecated; virtual; abstract;
[dcc32 Error] : E2169 Field definition not allowed after methods or properties

Fortunately, overload; virtual; deprecated; abstract; works :)

I am sure there is logic in there, and that someone will tell me about it :)


  1. probably the logic in which it is verified the correctness of the keywords by the compiler? (:

  2. Everytime I write overload; override; or overload; reintroduce; I choose the wrong order... why is the order even important?

  3. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers - That still doesn't explain why following it with abstract is ok.


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