wow....I had read the discussion a while back about dont use application.processmessages...

wow....I had read the discussion a while back about dont use application.processmessages...
I had that in use in a loop for udating a label for when drawing a graph (tchartpro)....I removed that and just use label repaint..and wow the graph updates heaps faster...I was slowing down things
dang, you learn something new every day


  1. I was using it just to get a label to update inside a loop, but just using the repaint of that label instead is so much faster (as application.processmesssages does more than just make that label update).Now that I am using XE6 I am going to look into using CreateAnonymousThread more (but to be carefull with the use of that especially when UI is updates are involved)

  2. TThread and Synchronize method works, but maybe instead of a Label a Chart1.Canvas.TextOut could do the job in the chart itself

  3. humm,could do, it was just a label though to show the data file being loaded that is used to populate the chart :)


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