XE6 still stuck on an old SVN version.

XE6 still stuck on an old SVN version.
We need an easy way to solve this problem.


  1. [Untested] You should be able to just install a newer version of the Win32 client DLL's (http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32svn/)  and then modify the RAD studio/Delphi registry key (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\x.x\Subversion\SvnDllDir) to point to the new client's bin folder instead of the bundled DLL's.  (You may need to create the registry key.)  Admittedly this is not perhaps "easy".  (Wonder why this isn't a configurable setting in the IDE.)

  2. Binary dependencies, don't you love them (:

  3. TortoiseSVN usually offers to upgrade old working copies to the new format

  4. Alexey Petushkov - The repositories ARE in the new format. It's XE6's SVN version that can't handle that format.

  5. What about RAD Studio Version Insight (https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudioverins/code/HEAD/tree/) to replace the build-in SVN (which also add Git and Hg support)?

  6. Nicholas Ring - IMO, it should work out of the box.

  7. Lars Fosdal No disagreement here :)

  8. Graeme Geldenhuys - I'd love to switch to Git, but no can do - at least not right now, although I am using SourceTree for integration with FOSS Git repositories.  

    Also - it doesn't solve the problem at hand: XE6 containing outdated VCS software.

  9. Lars Fosdal Buy XE7 or XE8. May be it will be solved there :) You have a hope.

  10. Graeme Geldenhuys indeed. Lars Fosdal look at https://bitbucket.org/jeroenp/fastmm on how to do that (FastMM, but works the same)

  11. It's not that easy. Our team is not the only corporate team on this SVN.  The Java team, the web team, and others - also are on the same server, which is tied into our Jira issue tracker.  If it was only us, it would be easy.


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