Why my TListBox won't behavior with FMX Style applied as it should? Other controls appears nice, but TListBox and even TListView cant show the correct colors? I am using the Dark theme and all fits as it should but not for that controls, is something I am missing or should I use a kind of tool to fix/hack that?


  1. Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing, next to a TListBox etc to contrast, please?

  2. So are you saying that the text color for a TListBox using the Dark theme is different to the text color for a TListView using the Dark theme? Or that the color is different to, say, a button's text color using the Dark theme?

    If TListBox, TListView, etc all use the same text color as each other, presumably that's what the theme is meant to use for that type of control. Can you edit the theme if you want a different color for those controls? That's probably the best solution to change all the controls in one spot.

  3. David Millington The text color is different from the other controls, as buttons. I supposed that by using a theme the colors should follow all the descendant controls, if color is blue on text control should be the same on tlistbox...
    Well, I never messed with theme editing, so I don't know either where to begin.

  4. Magno Lima I'm not up on editing styles, but these links might help: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE6/en/Applying_FireMonkey_Styles and http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE6/en/FireMonkey_Style_Designer

    I think the idea is to edit the default style for the control, so there should be an entry for TListBox (or a lower-level one for it and TListView and...) and somewhere in that will be one for the items, and in that for text, and in that for text color. Someone else will be able to give a much better answer about using this part of FMX than me :)

  5. I tried editing the item but i saw no effect. Lets wait some master to answer. Thank you for the links!


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