Documentation for XE7's Parallel Programming Library

Documentation for XE7's Parallel Programming Library

One of the most exciting new features in XE7, at least for me, is the new parallel programming library. However, out of the gate the documentation is shockingly lacking (i.e. virtually non-existent).  The most enlightening information comes from pictures taken at the launch conference and two comments by Marco Cantu  (which are appreciated) to one of my earlier posts.  

I have just converted an application over to Delphi XE7 (no problems at all). In the past I have done very little with TThread and parallel programming in general. So I would have thought I'd be an ideal candidate to use "a new simple way to add parallel programming". Where do I start? The parallel for loop has 30 overloads!!! Does it wait for the "for" loop to iterate though all items or does it continue execution?  And what's with the ampersand before the "For" i.e. "&For"?  I get the idea of "Future" - they sound like a simple way to implement some parallel processing. But what's the difference between TFutire and IFuture? etc. etc.

Since the parallel library is a key new feature I really hope we see some decent tutorials / e-books come out soon.

As I always say, powerful features are useless if nobody can use them!

