3800 - Interesting kink in the graph just above 3K members. I wonder what was the trigger for the increased growth rate?

3800 - Interesting kink in the graph just above 3K members. I wonder what was the trigger for the increased growth rate?


  1. CircleCount - You need a proper time axis :)
    Also - a noise filter! That -2800/+2800 drop/raise shouldn't need to be in there.

  2. Delphi is becoming more interesting again

  3. Increase is probably due to Delphi forum crashes, as people started to look for other Delphi communities.

  4. I agree with Dalija Prasnikar... and might actually be an improvement, hard to tell.

  5. Marco Cantù I'm one of them.  Although, I still look at the forums once in a while, I look at this group on a daily basis and find it informative.

  6. Honestly, that's some fantastic growth! Especially for G+ and especially for Delphi. Wonder what's going on and how we can get more people talking. Personally, I haven't used the EDN forums since the NNTP days. I don't really like vendor controlled forums.


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