Does any know whether Delphi can generate 64 bit binaries for the Mac? At the moment the binaries I make appear to be 32 bit which means I am unable to load 64bit compiled dylibs. I couldn't see any options in the ide and a google search has turned up nothing. I'm using XE6.


  1. It cannot. Its on the roadmap as a potential thing for the future.

  2. Thank you! That's one place I didn't look.


  3. No. The Delphi MacOS X compiler produces 32 bit executables.

  4. FreePascal and Lazarus do support MacOS X 64-bit but I've not experimented with it.

  5. Looks like I'm stuck as the author of the dylibs won't release 32 bit versions. Hopefully XE8 will support 64 bit. Any suggestions for accessing 64 bit dylibs from a 32 bit app?

  6. On windows the only away I know of is to implement a out of process com server and use com IPC. Not sure what the Mac equivalent is.


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