I do wish Embarcadero would get an integrated CRM (they can talk to us if they like) so that they don't have to keep sending me amnesty emails to upgrade to XE7 - when I already have subscriptions.


  1. Do you have the subscription on the same email address? That's often the issue we have.

  2. Marco Cantù Should be easy enough for you (EMB) to check no?

  3. You company is quite different from you Marco... Just asking if that's the case, because it seems a rather common scenario. I personally have given at least half a dozen email addresses to the company over time, and gets different emails at messages delivered to them.

  4. Marco Cantù Yeah, I edited it to reflect that EMB should be able to coordinate those emails. 

    I understand if it's two different emails, but in my case I get upgrade offers even though the Delphi licenses registered on my account comes from an active subscription (SA or whatever you call it these days).

  5. Same email address as my SA subscription.

  6. Maybe they figure if you get the word and are already a subscriber that you'll pass it on to somebody who may benefit.

  7. OK, I must admit I was really wrong. I just got a trial serial number on my Embarcadero account... Sigh.

  8. Marco Cantù I was just going to reply with the same... even worse, it's a *personal* trial.

    I mean, it's not a huge thing it just looks so sloppy.


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