I have a slightly complex question about live tiles (with TLiveTile.) Suppose I would like to create a live tile app that acts as an intermediate to several other applications - ie, you have five different EXEs installed, and you want a live tile for each. I thought of creating one 'generic' live tile application, and allowing it to read image and caption info from a config file plus info about the app this instance of the tile app is an intermediate for, and then running / registering it five times, once for each of the apps it acts as an intermediate for.

I have a slightly complex question about live tiles (with TLiveTile.) Suppose I would like to create a live tile app that acts as an intermediate to several other applications - ie, you have five different EXEs installed, and you want a live tile for each. I thought of creating one 'generic' live tile application, and allowing it to read image and caption info from a config file plus info about the app this instance of the tile app is an intermediate for, and then running / registering it five times, once for each of the apps it acts as an intermediate for.

Is this possible? My research so far shows a TLiveTile has an appid that is written to a compiled-in resource (?) which means you might need to rebuild the app each time. Whereas I want to write one, re-useable live tile app - that's key.

There might be other issues too: does every computer it's deployed on need a developer certificate, or can the app and the service it uses be installed on any Windows 8+ computer without additional requirements?

The documentation is good but doesn't answer these questions, and my reading and experiments with live tiles (so far) don't directly answer them either, except pointing me towards what I need to ask. Thanks for any information / answers you have.


  1. I'm curious if you find any answers to this.

  2. It is technically possible but you'll have to change the tile app itself (there is a C# app running behind the tile), and that isn't easy because source is not included.

    But the big issue is that at the last minute in XE8 Microsoft made the side-loading requirements much more strict, basically rendering this component and the supporting code almost useless.

    We'll see what happens in Win10, but tiles live in the start menu, so being live makes much less sense.

  3. Thanks for the info, Marco Cantù. It's a shame Microsoft haven't opened WinRT apps up to be developed with more than just their own tools; the whole thing would be easy (easier, anyway) if one could write a native tile app in Delphi.


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