I owned the last version (expired as of April 2014) of DevExpress Quantum Grid pack.   I missed the upgrade period, so instead of paying $399, I would have to pay $799.   I saw what they added, and it's not worth the $399 to me, say nothing about $799, so I'm upgrading manually.   I had found an article by Jeff Overcash, and I have followed that, but now I'm to the point of building the components in the order they need to be built in (not fully documented by Jeff).    Question, once I get it to work, is it OK to present the order they're built in (here if anyone is interested) or is that in violation of the licensing agreement (reading that is worse than building the component set)?  Or if someone already has the order they should be built, can you publish here?


  1. Check out DelphiPI (https://bitbucket.org/idursun/delphipi). It resolves the package dependencies and builds them in the right order.

  2. Stefan Glienke XE7 didn't show up as a registered IDE.  Don't want to download the sources and fix that too.  Thanks for the info.  Frustrating wasting time installing components.  I absolutely hate this crap.

  3. The build configuration is absolute crap too.  It's not consistent,  gets in your way,  not intuitive.  Every time I think I have the behavior figured out, I try the exact same selection and it sets things differently.   You click the "apply" and it asks you pick an options file. What am I applying?  The current settings to an option file or the option file to the current settings?

  4. I'm trying DelphiPI's recommended order and going to manually build.  Maybe this is what you meant?

  5. Curt Krueger You could contact DevExpress directly and see if they'll cut you a deal.  That $399 might be less than what your time is worth.  Plus you would get the latest version, bug fixes, support, etc.

  6. My philosophy is a little different. I limit the number of component vendors I use. But I assume I'll support them through the various releases i.e. I assume I'll be paying them a coupe of hundred bucks every year.

    What would happen if DevExpress decided to discontinue its VCL components? Maybe you could manually upgrade for a couple of version - but most likely there will be a significant upgrade required at some point when the VCL changes significantly. What will you do then? I think it's better to view component vendors as the partners they truly are - and make it worthwhile for them to keep upgrading and improving their components (YMMV)


  7. Curt Krueger If you are building DelphiPI with the latest JCL it should show XE7 as option. But you can also just use it to get the order and do it manually.

  8. Steve Maughan
     I also limit the component vendors.  DevExpress at this point is one of them, their grids and supporting components are awesome, once installed ;) .     In the same mindset, I'm a small business, and am building up my client base.  Spending $399 when they wanted it within my subscription time frame wasn't in the budget, and I didn't have the latest IDE yet at that time either so the need wasn't there.    At this point I just wanted to install what I already have within the now current IDE, and there's 35 packages and no docs as to what order they need to be built in.  Some one sent me a private message offering to help and I really appreciate that, so I think I'm good for now.  Ultimately, getting components installed without having many lib paths, and environment vars, and bpls/dcus/dcps in all kinds of different directories and fighting the build configuration is painful, and I feel it really shouldn't be.


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