Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers,

This is with great pleasure that we announce a 40% discount on all editions of HelpNDoc starting now and until Monday. HelpNDoc is an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, HTML or mobile WebSites, DocX and PDF manuals as well as ePub and Kindle eBooks from a single source.
But hurry up as this offer ends Monday.

See: http://www.helpndoc.com/news/2014-11-28-black-friday-40-discount-helpndoc-till-monday-only

Learn how to use HelpNDoc with the step-by-step video guides: http://youtu.be/u1XVAR985g8?list=PLe52dEok5gAlrGpJ9IxdFEfVrCjTucOhF

Best regards,

John, HelpNDoc team.

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* YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HelpNDoc


  1. Since I am looking into buying a good documentation solution, how does this compare to CodeInsight? Any experiences by the members here? And - does DevJet also offer a holiday sale at the moment?

  2. Roland Kossow
    Thank you for your interest in HelpNDoc. HelpNDoc is an help authoring tool meaning that you'll need to write your documentation: it won't be able to extract documentation from source code if that is what you are looking for. You might be interested to know that HelpNDoc is completely free and fully functional for personal use and evaluation purposes, so you can try it out and see if it works for you. Also, we have published many step-by-step (video) guides which can help you evaluate its scope and features: http://www.helpndoc.com/online-help#guides
    Finally, as a Delphi developer you might be interested to know that HelpNDoc can be scripted using Pascal Code. See for example: http://www.helpndoc.com/articles/2014-11-19-how-export-help-ids-and-help-context-numbers-your-developers

  3. Roland Kossow "CodeInsight" is part of the Delphi IDE. You know, the little hints popping up when you hover over an identifier or so. The DevJet product is called "Documentation Insight". I think it can be compared to HelpNDoc only for a very small portion.

  4. Simon Stuart Hi Simon - thanks for your input. The latter ... guess helpndoc is the way to go then.

  5. Simon Stuart - or host it on some repo so we all can engage? 


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