I'm looking for tools or method how to determine what exactly packages are still being compiled into main...

I'm looking for tools or method how to determine what exactly packages are still being compiled into main application after enabling "use packages" option. This problem is related to this SO question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1562601/determining-delphi-runtime-packages-to-include but from a different angle. I know which packages the app depens on (thanks to Project Info, Required tool http://cc.embarcadero.com/Item.aspx?id=18561, Dependency Walker, etc), what I need to know - what packages are inside the app - to further decide what to do about it.

Yet another angle of the problem is lack of information what package which unit belongs to. I don't see this neither on official docwiki page, nor in installed help system.

Am I missing some simple clear solution to both these problems?
Anyway I'm going to file a bug or two ;)
