I was wrong about the life-cycle of a Form.

I was wrong about the life-cycle of a Form. I thought it was Free()'d from Application.Run, but it's not. This appears to be the reality...

FormDestroy() is a called, but not where I thought. 

The form is being created in the *.dpr with a CreateForm() and the associated FormDestroy() connected to the form isn't called until the "end." in the *.dpr, when a "unit finalization" calls Vcl.Forms.DoneApplication -> 
System.Classes.TComponent.DestroyComponents -> 
INstance.Destroy() ... and only then is FormDestroy() executed.

   MyApp      : TApplication;

   MyApp := Application;
   MyApp.CreateForm(TFMyForm, FMyForm);
end. -> finally calls 
1) Vcl.Forms.DoneApplication -> which calls
2) System.Classes.TComponent.DestroyComponents -> which calls
3) Instance.Destroy() -> which calls
4) FormDestroy()
