Since it's fashionable today, may I ask you to vote for this Quality report too please?

Since it's fashionable today, may I ask you to vote for this Quality report too please? It's to add an orthographic projection to FireMonkey's 3D views. Currently they have a perspective projection only (ie where objects get smaller as they are further away). An orthographic projection doesn't shrink with distance, and is used for technical 3D work, everything from engineering diagrams to 3D graphs.

In a "business" 3D environment, it's a strange omission. Every 3D environment I know of, apart from FMX, has these two always.

It can be achieved in FMX currently via hacks, but they may be fragile as the FMX code changes. Better to have it inbuilt. Even better, I just so happen to know it's not actually that much code to implement, so I'm really hopeful they might be able to add it.
