Anyone using TMS Component Pack? I am having a major issue trying to use the ADVSmothTabPager. I can create a new project, add a tab control, save the project and close it. But when I reload the project the tab control loads but I get an error saying it can't find the class TADVSmoothTabPage, which is declared in the same file as the main tab control which does load. I have tried everything including moving the PAS file into the project folder and that doesn't help. I need to edit an older project that contains one of these controls and this is keeping me from doing such.

Anyone using TMS Component Pack? I am having a major issue trying to use the ADVSmothTabPager. I can create a new project, add a tab control, save the project and close it. But when I reload the project the tab control loads but I get an error saying it can't find the class TADVSmoothTabPage, which is declared in the same file as the main tab control which does load. I have tried everything including moving the PAS file into the project folder and that doesn't help. I need to edit an older project that contains one of these controls and this is keeping me from doing such.



  1. Hi,
      I have had the same issue (older projects with older ADVsmoothpager).
    In the end I just manually rebuilt. They have great service support so worth contacting them

  2. Brian, library locations are fine.
    Adrian, it wouldn't do any good to start over, as I said I can create a new project, add a single tabbed control, save the project, close it, re-open it and it fails. The initial creation works, but I can't re-open the project, it can't find the Tab Page. I can edit this on my desktop, so I guess I am going to have to move the project to there if I expect to get anywhere.

    Thanks again everyone.

  3. Are the appropriate components/packages enabled under "Components|Install packages" ?


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