Does anyone know how I can run the selected project with the OTA? I found the interface to compile it but not for running it.

Does anyone know how I can run the selected project with the OTA? I found the interface to compile it but not for running it.

Edit: to clarify - I don't want to run the project under the debugger if possible.


  1. And who to query for IOTAEditActions60 ?
    Also is it possible to run without debugging?
    (because getting the binary file  name for a simple ShellExecute from the project information is a fing pita)

  2. Simon Stuart I did not find where to get the binary name of a IOTAProject. I saw some post and code on SO to find that out but that's what I meant with pita.

  3. Simon Stuart Oh, that would be a nice Christmas present. :)

  4. Simon Stuart Querying IOTAEditActions60 from the BorlandIDEServices won't work (not supported). What I have seen is querying from IOTAEditorServices.TopView but that is nil when there is no editor open.

  5. Ok, I found a way that works for me:
    (Application.MainForm.FindComponent('RunRunNoDebugCommand') as TCustomAction).Execute;


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