EDIT: I believe I found the resolution (in comments).

EDIT: I believe I found the resolution (in comments). Funny how when you're force in an email to list specific issues, you'll often find you own answer with the increased clarity. I think this happened, leaving the post here for later searching from someone.

Q: Visual Form Inheritance in XE2 VCL: Changes to base form's design-time components don't propagate to inherited forms.

1) BaseForm contains mostly run-time code
2) BaseFormWithButtonBar contains visual components of a panel and 3 buttons
3) BaseFormWithButtonBarAndImage contains an image

I have 3 forms, they are created as inherited forms from each other. #1 setups up a form with my foundation code, #2 builds on this by adding a common set of buttons, #3 adds an image to the form.

Problem #1: When I change the Width/Height of #1, the inherited forms don't get the new width/height

Problem #2: When I make changes to the button's top/left, the inherited forms don't get the change

In regards to Problem #1 Specifically:
- When I convert.exe it from DFM to a TXT, it specifies the correct Width:640 Height:480, but when I convert to DFM and then look at it in the IDE, it's changed to Width:451 Height:304. I'm confused, maybe it's the Align==alClient? It's weird.

object FBPSFrameBaseClass: TFBPSFrameBaseClass
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Width = 641
  Height = 480
  Align = alClient
  TabOrder = 0

Similar things happen to the #2 form, that defines buttons, the Top/Left just get mangled for inherited forms based on it.
