what is ClipParent ?!

what is ClipParent ?!

At least it does very strange things !

ClipChildren is easy to understand, but I can't figure what ClipParent is for.

(XE7 SP1 + Castalia)


  1. Maybe useful most in scrollbox controls to avoid painting outside them.

  2. You're talking about ClipChildren not ClipParent I think

  3. It's needed for disable painting a region of parent control, where children is located. You can look at the Tgroupbox style. it has a border like a rounded rectangle and label is placed above. But text in label must cut border and for this purpose you can set clipparent in true for label.

  4. Yaroslav Brovin ok got it, the children with ClipParent let show the parent's parent's background through him...but the Parent can't clip its childrens anymore, that still a bug I think, because the overflowed children is displayed but do not click at all.

  5. Paul TOTH yes, you are right. We know about it and already fixed it...


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