Any one using the DevExpress TcxLocalizer component? If so, what 's your opinion? Any good? Are there better products on the market for localising VCL applications?


  1. I decided to use
    Not really did enough with it yet though to give a clear recommendation.

  2. Using and it works well. Also great support and quick response times.

  3. We did it ourself.
    Wrote a programm who scan the dfm files for captions etc. (ressources) and write these to a webservice. All our programs and webapplications, services etc. uses the same unit for translation implementation. (Getting the ressources for choosen language from webservice and applying to form)
    The translators translates the ressources trough a webapplication made with unigui. works well for us.

  4. We are using TSiLang, and having good result with it.

  5. I also like TsiLang, though they are one of the slower vendors in getting updates out for new versions of Delphi, just in case that would be a consideration


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