New blog post: Most Frequently Used Shortcuts By Delphi Programmers

New blog post: Most Frequently Used Shortcuts By Delphi Programmers


  1. Neat-o. Have a question: What is "$YD" (in "Code Browsing (requires $YD)")?

  2. Well there you go - I have learnt something new - thanks Michael Riley

  3. Boy I wish someone would create anonymous statistics on feature usage in Delphi.

  4. Nicholas Ring I got interested in the Ctrl +Click thing when Raize components would not jump to the source code. Check out Ray Konopka's response to my question.

  5. Why isn't Sync Edit (ctrl+shift+j) on that list? It's my #3 shortcut or so, and the only IDE feature I really miss when using other IDEs.

  6. Stefan Glienke Missed that one - thanks for the reference.

  7. Stefan Glienke Thank you. I had forgotten that you did the back and forth process of elimination to discover only $DEFINITIONON ($YD) is all that's required.

  8. Michael Riley No problem. I still am puzzled what influences the ability to ctrl+click on a unit name in the uses and navigate there because even after putting the $YD above the very first line of my units I sometimes am not able to navigate to them when using them in a program :/

  9. Stefan Glienke It remains a puzzle, and an annoyance. I have found in a large legacy project that units not included in the DPR can break several things. One is the ability to Ctrl-Click into them, but another is (this is in D2007) that the time taken to invoke or attempt to invoke code completion becomes very long.

    One would think that Ctrl-Click would be subject to a clearly defined set of requirements, especially with respect to the units for components. Inability to use Ctrl-Click removes a large measure of the value from the IDE, in non-trivial projects.

  10. Asbjørn Heid Thank you for pointing out Sync Edit (ctrl+shift+j). I just watched a video that Michael Rozlog did and will be adding it to my blog post.

  11. I commented on the original blog with some of my favourites, but it didn't seem to go through.

    Don't forget frequently used runtime and debugging keystrokes:
    - Shift+Ctrl+F9 - Run without debugging
    - F9 - Run with debugging and resume after hitting a breakpoint
    - F5 - set/remove a breakpoint
    - F7 - Step into a method
    - F8 - Step over a method

  12. Bruce McGee Good point, but you forgot F4 - Run to current line ;)

  13. Asbjørn Heid I almost never use F4.

    Also from the list, I don't use Declare Variable and Declare Field very often, but I probably should since it would save me a bunch of keystrokes.

  14. Oh, and I was glad to see Ctrl+D in the list. I almost never format code manually any more.

  15. Bruce McGee Interesting, I use F4 almost every debug session.

  16. Bruce McGee declare variable and declare field often get it wrong, so I use modelmaker code explorer for that.

  17. Bruce McGee I would add Ctrl+F2 to that list :)

  18. Bruce McGee Ctrl-D gets it wrong too often when using post Delphi 7 language constructs. You'd think they'd fixed that by now to be on par with Visual Studio code formatting, but boy they didn't.

  19. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers I've tweaked the formatting settings and seldom see any problems, but it would be nice to have more direct control over the process.

  20. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers I prefer the formatter in GExperts.

  21. Bill Meyer you mean the one in the experimental GExpert builds by Thomas Mueller ?

  22. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Yes, that one. I should have been more specific.

  23. Bill Meyer that one is better in a lot of respects, but I don't think it supports generics yet.

  24. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers You may be right, but we know how to reach the maintainer. ;)

  25. Bill Meyer Thomas isn't maintaining it, just providing the build. The original Dutch author left the Delphi world a long time ago.

  26. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Oh, I did not know that. 4,569 members here, and no volunteers? ;)

  27. Bill Meyer "Ask not what your Delphi community can do for you — ask what you can do for your Delphi community" ;)

  28. Bill Meyer Did you just accidentally volunteer to maintain this code? :)


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