What does a "Sr Software Developer" in delphi mean to you?

What does a "Sr Software Developer" in delphi mean to you?

I ask, because I recently applied for a position that listed this as a requirement. I've been an independent developer for almost two decades now; while I've had employees, they weren't developers, but support staff, QA, Doc, etc. I consider myself very good with the language (<= XE2), I've written several products, make better money than a salary job, I'm comfortable dealing with any problem I run into and leading a team (or going on my own) to create something...

...But there's some really smart people here on the forum and developers who have been "heads-down" coders for the same time and find myself seeking their help to answer questions. 

So what makes a Sr Software Developer? Is it technical prowess, wisdom of experience, people management, the ability to architect and sell something from start to finish? I'm not sure. Impostor Syndrome?
