5K members reached. Quite nice number :)


  1. It's a nice number, but it is hard to say how many of those that are real Delphi Developers.

  2. Lars Fosdal Depends on your definition of real...

  3. Dalija Prasnikar - as in "using Delphi".

  4. Lars Fosdal​ you mean like the numbers of Delphi users that Embarcadero use to tell?

  5. Cesar Romero - No, that is "number of licences sold".

  6. Lars Fosdal​ sold since when? Since Delphi 1? Are they active? Hard to believe that are so many when there are almost no jobs compared with others languages/tools that clains to have similar numbers of users and lot of job opportunities.

  7. Cesar Romero - I don't know, and I don't care.  Delphi is my primary tool alongside SQL Server.  If you are unhappy with your tool - or the availability of jobs for that tool, move on to something else.  It's just a tool.

  8. Lars Fosdal Just a tool?! throws first stone Suffer for your blasphemy! :p

  9. Lars Fosdal​ but you care enough to question the members number here. Those number are clear like Delphi roadmaps.

  10. Cesar Romero - My observation was a G+ criticism, not a Delphi criticism. Unfortunately, a page or profile signing up for a community, doesn't necessarily mean that page or profile is actually someone doing development in Delphi.

    My impression - based on the Delphi people I know, are that the majority are long-term Delphi developers in a corporate setting with low team turnover.  The jobs are there, but they are not high-profile and frequently advertised - but will often be filled by word of mouth.  You know someone that know someone that needs a Delphi developer.

    Again - if that is a problem for you - add another tool to your tool chest!

    As for how many active Delphi Developers there are - that is a topic that cannot be answered in this forum for several reasons.
    - We don't know the exact data on sold licenses per version
    - We don't know if all licenses are still in use
    - We don't know how many pirate users there are
    - We do know that not all users take part in public communities

    Hence - discussing those numbers are like discussing the weather - i.e. not something worth obsessing over.

    This is the kind of pointless discussion we find on the official forums.  Don't bring it here as well.

  11. Is this where someone usually mentions Tiobe? :)

  12. I wonder how these counters work. Do they actually get decreased if somebody leaves a community? The same goes for the counters on g+ profiles. You only get a notification if somebody circles you, but not if somebody uncircles you. Does that mean the counter is also not decreased?

  13. Same if someone uncircle you. Your follower count goes down.

  14. Lars Fosdal​ why you keeping telling me to move to another tool? It is not a problem to me and I use others tools for long time. But is clear to me that the subject is a problem to you. As soon you post about the number Delphi users here, you are subject to have people posting to related issues, if you dont like just ignore. I dont care to discuss about that, my comment was "any time the number of Delphi users is mentionated it will be questionated". Neither I was asking you oficial numbers. Im really sorry that you have to take it in personal, that was not my intention, neither I would discuss any other subject with someone that is so ofensive with me.

  15. Lars Fosdal Cesar Romero Come on guys, I didn't plan to start WWW III here :)

  16. Cesar Romero - I don't take it personal.  

    I just find such discussions silly and irrelevant to the community.  The community exists for discussing how to solve Delphi programming related issues, not to rant on number of users, number of jobs, or the relative lack there-of - compared to other tools.  

    It is nice that the number of community members goes up, and I hope that many of the new members are people that actually use Delphi, but that number doesn't really have any relevance to the popularity of Delphi, nor does it influence how we use the tool.

  17. 1. Say some number
    2. Say Delphi
    3. Prepare popcorn and watch the fight

  18. Links posted here usually deliver 300-600 clicks from what I've seen. Or around 10% which is a pretty high CTR if the average is ~1%.

  19. I wonder if the guy from delphihaters is lurking here?


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