"Ah, here you are again, my dear friend. Haven't seen you for a while ..."

"Ah, here you are again, my dear friend. Haven't seen you for a while ..."

Delphi XE5, fully updated


  1. Did you check with the license status with the License Manager? There is clearly something wrong. If everything seems OK, either follow the link for solutions... or just ask to support.
    I know this is annoying, trying our best to lessen the burden.

  2. This happens when Delphi manages to overwrite memory in the wrong place. The bad thing is that then it automatically quits without saving making you loose work. The good thing is that starting Delphi again usually solves this. When not, a reboot solves most of the remaining cases. When not, then usually you are in serious trouble (I've had cases where an install on a fresh Windows VM was needed) as fixing the licensing files is virtually impossible (I tried when I had to rename a VM and when to upgrade Delphi to a higher SKU: both led to reinstall on a fresh VM). I remember attending a workshop in Germany where the presenter had to restart Delphi every hour despite a valid license. Frustrating...

  3. Marco Cantù everything is OK in License Manager. This just happened while Delphi was already running for more than 4 hours today. I just pressed F9 for starting the debugger and - poof - everything is gone and this message appears in my browser. I could start Delphi again even without restarting my machine. It just closes and needs to be started again ... and looses all unsaved work ...
    This happens about once per month.

  4. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers That's a very unpleasant chain of possibilities.

  5. Simon Stuart Since XE3 unsigned DLLs in $(BDSBIN) lead to a validation error. The validation error happens then always on IDE startup and not sporadically.

  6. Simon Stuart not sure if this is the same issue. Yes, having unsigned DLLs in the Delphi bin folder can mess up with license checks, but I doubt it happens that way. Also some third party IDE hooks might trigger that check, hard to be sure without an in depth check.

    Fred Ahrens That's in XE5, right? I think I remember there were some changes in later versions...

  7. Marco Cantù since you do have some funky license checks that can happen beyond Delphi startup, nothing surprises me here. 

    Remember IDE Save toolbar button does not work

  8. same problem with XE5, happens every once in a while. Restarting the IDE helped so far.

  9. Unfortunately this tends to happen once a month to me on all my Delphi versions XE4-7 :-( . Just always backup the licenses...


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