Question to the group

Question to the group
I have a number of dates
(I can format any way needed)
and I want to average those dates
whats the easiest way to come up with an average :)
the year is not needed, just the day and month
I might have to convert to 1 to 365 and use sin and cos


  1. yes, I guess I could create a real number for converted to 0 to 360 (i.e fraction) for the day of the year, to plug into the equation, then reverse that again (i.e as you say, normalize the number first)

  2. Brian Hamilton No - create a real number (0-2pi radians) for the converted 0 to 365 or 366.

    That way you support the entire year, including leap years.

  3. +Brian I gave you the equation above. And you still need to accept the sometimes you won't be able to get an answer.


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