
I can't rember if I read similar idea before. So I ask it here - knowing that EMB gurus are following these posts.
When I work with components which have many proprties (like cxGrid from DevExpress) "sometimes" I don't remeber the exact name of a certain property. In these situations I wuold like to have some sort of property filtering following the input in a filter box.
Was this discussed before? What's the thought of EMB?


  1. Marco Cantù Thanks for pointing out this feature which I didn't know yet. But I agree with Stefan Glienke that for complex components (and these from DevExpress  in fact are "somewhat" complex ...) it would be very useful if IDE insight would display the properties at a deeper level.
    And I agree with you, too, that a filter box in the object explorer would ba much more intuitive.
    Thanks in advance for any effort!

  2. Searching or filtering sub-properties could get a little tricky, as sub-properties expansion can be static but also dynamic and context sensitive. And this happens in the most complex scenarios...

  3. Marco Cantù I guess "filtering" is OK for IDE Insight (F6), when there would be a filter box then "filtering" would also be clearly to recognize. And "tricky": yes, we're known for solving these kind of tasks, non è vero?


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