
Had you noticed the "Export to GitHub" button  in your google code project ?


  1. Interesting. I have several projects on Google Code. Maybe it is finally time to move to github...

  2. Actually, more info - Google Code is closing! No new projects as of March 12, and it will close entirely on Jan 25, 2016 - only ten months from now.  http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/03/google-to-close-google-code-open-source-project-hosting/

  3. This is not good. There are tons of Delphi projects on it... Well, maybe we can grow on GitHub

  4. David Millington That's sad, google code was so simple to use.

  5. Marco Cantù I think this is good. I hope that people will now finally move from svn to git (or hg if you like, i prefer git though). Especially contributing to open source is a big pita with svn. For git its just forking, pull request, done.

  6. Mahdi Safsafi​ yes, though Google code main advantage was downloads, and this was turned off a while ago as well...

  7. I just wrote a blog post about how to migrate from Google Code to GitHub. There's more to do than just click the 'Export to GitHub' button.

    It's not Delphi-specific in any way so I haven't posted it to the Delphi Dev page, even as an Off Topic. Feel free to repost, anyone, if you find it useful.


    I have now finally moved all my Google Code projects to GitHub (and to git, which I'm unsure about. Mercurial, yes; git... let's see.) Thanks for finally pushing me to do this, Mahdi Safsafi!

  8. I think it is worth mentioning that on github you need to pay to have a private repository while on bitbucket they are free for up to 5 members.

  9. Will the history be exported as well?

  10. I will probably hunt for some alternatives. I have projects on github, bitbucket & sourceforge, but their Web UIs have become a bit bloated over the years.

    Any recommendation for other open-source code repository that would be minimalist and user-friendly?

    Also tried: CodePlex (sluggish), beanstalk (good but not free) & gitlab (sluggish)

  11. Fabian S. Biehn Don't know about the "Export to Github" button but usually when using git-svn it does (done that with DSharp and Spring4D in the past and both contain the complete history since their initial commit on google code)

    Eric Grange I like the Web UI of Bitbucket and Github - what do you think is bloated there? (Sourceforge is just horrible imo)

  12. Stefan Glienke the UIs are cluttered (and every click takes 2-3 seconds for the page to display, and you usually need a lot of clicks to achieve anything). There is a low amount of screen space reserved to a project vs the amount of screen space reserved to controls/repository stuff.

    For instance, looking at a project home page, without scrolling, on bitbucket, you have about 30% of the screen estate for the project info, and for github, depending on what you have in your root directory, it can be less than 5%. On google code by contrast, the controls take less than 30% of the screen space, the rest is all for the project's content. And the same trends exists on most pages.

  13. Fabian S. Biehn Yes, full commit history.

  14. Kenneth Cochran Fossil is a bit too bare-bones, also I would like it to be hosted by a 3rd party service, AFAIK you have to host Fossil yourself


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