Look what I've found today:

Look what I've found today:

procedure DoSmth;
 s: string;
 // snip
 ZeroMemory(@s, SizeOf(s));
 // snip


  1. This is an obfuscated version of
     s := '';
    and the ZeroMemory() is just useless, since Finalize(s) did already set the s pointer to nil.

  2. It might be left from s being a short string and was meant to be a security measure so the old value of s doesn't stay in memory.

  3. Thomas Mueller  AFAIR Finalize() did not exist with original shortstrings, only getmem/freemem/new/dispose/mark/release did exist at that time, for records allocation on the heap - see https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_borlandturVersion7.0LanguageGuide1992_10480217/Turbo_Pascal_Version_7.0_Language_Guide_1992#page/n1/mode/2up - and under newer version the compiler, it is a "no op", reported as "Hint: Expression needs no Initialize/Finalize".

  4. One of the first versions of Delphi leaked every local string variable. You had to end every procedure/method with s := ''; to avoid the leak. It was fixed later in a revision, but we had to release software (>1M LOC) before the fix. I still find remnants of this in our code.

  5. Ahh, that explains why some of the old TurboPower libraries did that.  I wondered what was going on with that.


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