Just out of curiosity: if I told you I did something inappropriate, what would you think I did? :D Please keep it clean :D I am not THAT bad :D


  1. you used FreeAndNil(object_instance)!!

  2. LOL! Good one, but no :P It's outside the realm of IT :D

  3. Nope, I sent an email to a sort of talent agency in the USA for people who wish to work as models, actors, etc. I have a life-long passion for acting :D so I thought "why not? Why shoild the fact I have no professional experience in the field stop me?" :D

  4. wellp, you may surprise them and yourself, talent can be worked out, but some, have a slight advantage of being born with it, I wish you good luck!

  5. Andrea Raimondi It's appropriate to chase for ones passion, isn't it? :)

  6. LOL, well.. is it when you are a software developer? :D lol

  7. Not inappropriate.  Follow your dreams.  Hey, if you don't try you'll never know, right?

  8. And I though you were going to say you took pictures of yourself and emailed them to coworkers.

    Though if you think about it modeling is all about taking pictures of your self and sending them to people. You're just having someone else take the pictures.

    One man's modelling career is another man's sexual harassment law suit. :-)

  9. LOL Kenneth Cochran  I am sane enough not to attempt anything modelling-related :) Plus, I don't think I'd like coke :)

  10. The agency replied actually :D LOL! I can't believe it!


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