Hi! in xe8 seems that android deploy is changed... now delphi create a "base" folder, and theh debug or release.... in XE7 i don't remember that folder....

Hi!  in xe8  seems that android deploy is changed... now delphi create a "base" folder, and theh  debug or release....  in XE7 i don't remember that folder.... 

well,  i'm tyiing to add a custom file to my project but there's some strange issue.... 
it works ok if i add file to project (so i see it in deploy list as "projetfile") 
but if i add it directly inside deployment list ( so it's added as "file" ) it's copied inside "base" folder but never not in debug or relase....

have you my same problem?


  1. did you resolve this, I'm getting a similar issue with a test android app...haven't resolved it yet

  2. In the end I had to rebuild the project, maybe it had something to do with changing the project name at one point, really strange

  3. i had to return to xe7 'cause rest/json bug , so i didn't study in deep problem :(

  4. may be you want to try:
    1. open projectname.dproj with text editor
    2. find               Configuration="Base"    and replace  Configuration="Debug"
    3. build again


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