I am stuck with an issue in the XE8 ide. Not sure if this has been reported. I have never seen something like this in all the years of using Delphi. Below is some simple code to demonstrate.

I am stuck with an issue in the XE8 ide.  Not sure if this has been reported.  I have never seen something like this in all the years of using Delphi.  Below is some simple code to demonstrate.

Create a new vcl app with a button and enter the code below

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  RegCode, ExpireDate : String;
       RegCode := 'DEMO' + '|' +   + '|' + DatetoStr(Now) +
                   '|' + ExpireDate + '|';


Then try and add a string between the two plus signs where there
is currently nothing( +  +).  As soon as I type a ' the whole ide hangs
and I have to force Delphi to close.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? 


  1. Lars Fosdal But the challenges of Delphi require elite, special forces training.

  2. Lars Fosdal So you say, dev tools are software?
    (Known fact is that software has bugs ... so who wonder to have bugs in dev tools, too?)

  3. Klaus Edelmann - The only software with no known errors, is TeX - but even that one is not certified to be bug free.

    Yes, dev.tools has bugs too.


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