I am stuck with an issue in the XE8 ide.

I am stuck with an issue in the XE8 ide.  Not sure if this has been reported.  I have never seen something like this in all the years of using Delphi.  Below is some simple code to demonstrate.

Create a new vcl app with a button and enter the code below

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  RegCode, ExpireDate : String;
       RegCode := 'DEMO' + '|' +   + '|' + DatetoStr(Now) +
                   '|' + ExpireDate + '|';


Then try and add a string between the two plus signs where there
is currently nothing( +  +).  As soon as I type a ' the whole ide hangs
and I have to force Delphi to close.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? 
