I am using XE8 Trial, trying to get a handle on creating Android apps. I was able to make a Hello World app and install it on my phone. Any changes to the code do not show up in the app.

I am using XE8 Trial, trying to get a handle on creating Android apps. I was able to make a Hello World app and install it on my phone. Any changes to the code do not show up in the app.

Now when I create a new project or even run one of the sample projects, an exe is created, not a .so file.

The Target platform is Android-Android SDK 24.1.32 32bit and the Target is my phone, SCH-I535. 

Can someone offer help or advice?



  1. Whatever platform in the Project Manager is bold is the selected platform. If it is creating an EXE then the selected platform is probably Win32. Double click the Android platform to select it. Also check out the -cleaninstall section of: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE8/en/Running_Your_Android_Application_on_an_Android_Device

  2. I just tried these steps again. Still getting the exe.
    I am going to try to attach a snapshot.


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