Is this solved in XE8? No? Then the whole thing is useless for me. Wont upgrade until

Is this solved in XE8? No? Then the whole thing is useless for me. Wont upgrade until
is solved.

Originally shared by André Mussche

Very very annoying, XE7 is unusable! 
Out of memory, exceptions, very slow, etc.

please vote for this QC!

Marco Cantu: I thought you said there were many bugs solved? And XE7 is the best IDE? Well, I have to tell some customers to downgrade to XE6 now... :(
(and no, SP1 did not fix this)


  1. Not only annoying ... also frustrating ! ... BUT you can disable some DLL's so the whole thing is running without out of memory problems ... but most of insight functionality is gone ...

  2. I can't understand such a company. Delphi XE 7 is frustating. Buying for much money such a product that is full of bugs. And now there is XE8  out and I think there will ne no update anymore for XE7.

  3. We have upgraded all VCL also to versions supporting XE7 ... calculate that ... and now we should update to XE8, also update all VCL components investing a lot of money, and having same problems again ?

  4. Yes seem's to be the strategy ... Pay for bugs xD

  5. Still lacking libraries to full compare XE8 vs XE7 - but word is that it has not been fully solved.  The workaround of compiling externally in MS Build  apparently has been improved to the point that it is a feasible alternative until the "Large Memory Model" fix arrives - whenever that is.

  6. Lars Fosdal Unfortunately this doesn't work for debug configuration. If i shrink our project to minimum, it works. The whole project returns some Access Violations in RAD Command line and I can never finish compiling. After few waitings start to immediately got this AV. Since XE6 I can use for Android and iOS only release conf. I cannot attach the whole project to report at Today I tried XE8+Android+Release. After few seconds XE8 closed without any message...

  7. Michal, it is possible to log your issue, then send the project to Embarcadero privately (afaik, NDA can be signed by them if required) in case it contains sensitive information or is large.


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