Let's Encrypt to offer Free SSL Certificates mid 2015

Let's Encrypt to offer Free SSL Certificates mid 2015
It's probably worth keeping an eye on this one, as the process is fully automated.  Seems pretty easy
How it Works: https://letsencrypt.org/howitworks/
Twitter https://twitter.com/letsencrypt


  1. You might also be interested in http://www.startssl.com/ from which you can also obtain a free low-assurance SSL certificate.

  2. This solves the easy cases. Unfortunately it won't help me getting a certificate for a subdomain on a server that is not meant to be publicly accessible for a domain that is, but does not require a certificate.
    (There are other cases too where this won't work either.)

  3. I think it is on my research list somewhere, but my ESXi rig is having some issues, so I need to make a note until it is fully up again.

  4. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Was your comment intended for this post?  If so, I don't understand it.

  5. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers LoL.  Nor do I understand your response to my query. :)

  6. Interesting. However does not it mean that sometime soonish, basic SSL will be tagged as "untrustable SSL" in the browsers and search engines?

    I mean, one part of SSL is encryption, but the other not-so-insignificant part is verify you have a real entity and that certificates are safe and safeguarded (otherwise the encryption is moot).

    If it's that easy and automated, every site will use it, and many will have their certificate hacked because they can't tell a certificate from a blog post... so basic SSL will eventually mean nothing in terms of encryption and security.


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